Explaining Fiber Optics Array in Five Minutes

Fiber-optic technologies are a great way to connect two points that could be very far apart. If the distance between them seems too great, fiber optic cables play a big role in overcoming this distance. In this blog post, we’re going to explain what fiber optic array or fiber array is.

Fiber Optic Array:

A fiber optic cable contains thousands of glass fibers, each a strand thinner than a human hair. Like strands of thread woven together to form a rope, these fibers are bundled together (fiber array) and encased in a protective jacket to form a fiber optic cable. 

Most fiber optic cables are clear and resemble plastic string, but coatings can be added to change the color of the cable and to protect it from damage.

Fiber optic cables transmit data by sending pulses of light down the core of the cable through one or more of the optical fibers. The light pulses follow a path determined by the format of the fiber. 

Fiber optics can be used for short-distance communication (within a room or across short distances within an office building) or long-distance communication (across continents).

The most common type of fiber optic cable, which is used in home internet connections, is called multimode because it uses many modes. 

A mode is a pathway defined by the refractive index difference between air and the glass core, and there are thousands of these pathways inside each optical fiber. 

The light pulse follows whichever path has the highest refractive index difference and therefore travels faster through that route. This means there is a lot of overlap between adjacent modes in multimode fiber, so light can travel around

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